Riverbend Cabin Airbnb

Riverbend Cabin Airbnb

In the late fall of 2020 I started following a lot of cottagecore accounts; there was just something about a cabin in the woods, surrounded by fall foliage that really spoke to me.  Any cabin/cottage that was tagged in Ontario I would follow on IG and Riverbend Cabin was one of them.  I just so [...]

My Top Vacation Spots

My Top Vacation Spots

This was actually an incredibly difficult post to write.  It's hard to narrow down the places I've been to.  There are some places where I don't feel the need to go back to (I'm looking at you Rome #sorrynotsorry), but there are others that I could visit again and again.  I have a hard time [...]

5 Tips for Travelling with your Partner

5 Tips for Travelling with your Partner

Travelling with your spouse or significant other can be stressful at times.  It's no coincidence that some couples actually breakup after a vacation.  After spending so much time together, some couples realize just how different they are from each other.  I mean think about it, if you're at an all-inclusive resort you'll be together All.  [...]

My Travel Essentials

My Travel Essentials

Travelling is so important to me.  If you read my previous post, you know that travelling is always at the top of my New Year's Resolution list.  I love seeing new places, trying new foods, hearing and speaking a different language and immersing myself if a different culture.  I've been travelling quite a bit since [...]